The Soul-Jazz Collective

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Steve Raleigh – Guitar

Pete Levin – Keys

Lew Scott – Bass

Matt Garrity – Drums


Steve Raleigh & The Soul-Jazz Collective is a four-piece group specializing in upbeat groove music that’s a blend of soul, funk, blues, gospel, and jazz pioneered in the 1960s by such artists as Herbie Hancock, Grant Green, Jack McDuff, Stanley Turrentine, and Lou Donaldson.

In the 60s this type of music was sometimes referred to as “Funky Bop”. Jazz pianist Horace Silver stated that “Funky means earthy and blues-based. It might not be blues itself, but it does have that ‘down-home’ feel to it. Soul is basically the same, but there’s an added dimension of feeling and spirit.”

However you choose to describe it, our shows are fun, engaging, lyrical, and guaranteed to have you tapping your foot and maybe even dancing in the aisle

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